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Corin Neff proudly presents his
Zebra Orchestra
For u-he's Zebra 2
Hello fellow Zebra enthusiasts! I am fascinated and impressed by u-he's capability to bring us such formidable and instruments and it has lead me and many others to great interest and experimentation in acoustic emulation via computer. The Zebra Orchestra, my take in this field, is an old project of mine that has received a lot of love. Thank you all for your interest and support!
The Zebra Orchestra is a powerful supplement to the modern composer's arsenal. It can also easily stand on it's own if you need it or want it to, as the demos below prove.
The Zebra Orchestra now contains 173 patches, in the form of:
20 Brass
14 Woodwinds
12 Strings
12 Mallets
36 Percussive instruments
46 Soundscapes
13 Synths
20 Sequences
+ A scrap preset folder, MSEG-style LFOS, and custom wavetables!
System Requirements:
A host/DAW capable of supporting VST, RTAS, or AU plugins.
Zebra 2.8 or higher.
System Recommendations:
A fast and sturdy Quad-core CPU.
A MIDI keyboard with a Modwheel, pitchwheel, and aftertouch.(Only a margin of patches include aftertouch capability.)
Demo Tracks
Note: Some instances of ValhallaRoom were used to give 'The Chronos' some extra space.
Note: The prominent synthesizer riff and haunting synthesizer arpeggio in 'The Tracker Plus' is not included in the Zebra Orchestra.(Despite this, all sounds are still produced by Zebra.)
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